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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

First Book is Out!!!

Hey guys,

I wanted to share my exciting news with you! My first book is live and online. It is available in your favorite ebook format. I'm figuring out the paperback format too!

Allie Bock Writes

Book Blurb:

Katie Kisment never thought much about going home after she left for college.  Truth be told, she couldn’t leave town fast enough.  But life goes on and being there to see her oldest friend get married was something she wasn’t going to miss.  All of the focus would be on the bride-to-be so no one would probably even recognize her.  How bad could it be?

As a photographer, Katie was used to hiding behind the camera.  But not even her camera could hide her from the only person she ever had feelings for, even if he never knew.

As a cowboy on the Kisment Ranch, Levi knew the three unbreakable rules: no fighting, no drugs, and no dating their only daughter.

Levi was happy for his sister, he really was, but he didn’t see why he had to be so involved in her wedding.  It was bad enough she had him toting balloons around like a child, what could she come up with next?

Saddle up and hang on tight for the wild ride in this sweet and clean story set in Sunnydale, TX.  Will Katie survive the wedding weekend in her old home town?  Will Levi be able to keep his composure and not make a scene at his sister’s wedding?  Or will fate have something entirely different in mind for both of them?  

So what do you think? Are you interested in reading it?

Below I've got links to buy it on your favorite website.

Or you can get it for free if you sign up for my newsletter! (Insert evil laugh!) LOL

With lots of love,


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