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Monday, February 7, 2022

A Fun New Read

 Hi dear reader,

How have you been?

Here in Minnesota it has been bitter cold in the negative numbers with an additional wind chill. Most days it hasn't been above -10F. The sun has "Snowdogs" around it. They are little rainbows like parentheses around the sun. They are from the sun refracting through the ice crystals in the air. Very pretty but very cold.

 So, I've been spending a lot of time indoors, drinking tea, and reading lots of good books. I just finished Outfox by Sandra Brown which is a romantic suspense/thriller. It was about a man trying to track down a con artist/serial killer that had multiple identities through the years. Of course, the main character falls in love with next possible victim. I'm currently working on Chris Keniston's Heather which is a nice change of pace. It's a small town romance with a heart surgeon falling in love with the hardware store owner. It's very cute.

Check out the new book releasing tomorrow if you are looking for a great read!



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