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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Character Sketch: Lindsay Wilson

 Lindsay Wilson appeared in the first book of the Cowboys of Sunnydale series, Falling for My Cowboy. She had an on-again-off-again friends with benefits relationship with Pete. She is a waitress at Susie's Cafe and at Cowboy's Bar. She makes another appearance in Second Chance with My Bull Rider. She helps Delilah out by housing the therapeutic riding horses for her until she can find her own place. 

My Unexpected Hero, Cowboys of Sunnydale Book #3, is her story. She meets the handsome Kurt Kisment, and well, you should read it to find out the ending!

Here is Lindsay's character sketch!

Full Name: Lindsay Wilson

Nickname: Linds

First book she appeared in: Falling for My Cowboy She works as a waitress at Susie's Cafe and at Cowboy's Bar. She had an on/off relationship with Pete Thompson and it was currently off in that book. 

Bio: She is 5'5" and curvy with blonde hair and blue eyes. She styles her hair in big loose curls and likes to wear short skirts, daisy duke shorts, tank tops. Chews gum. Very smart but underplays it to be a flirt and an airhead. She's almost always running late for things. She works 2 jobs - Susie's CafĂ© and Cowboy's Bar

She grew up in a small house in town with her mother and father. She was a chubby kid in school. Her uncle and aunt had a ranch outside of town. She'd go ride horses or go swimming with her cousin, Larry, whenever she could. She wanted to be a doctor when she grew up. The Kisment ranch backed up to her uncle's place.

Her father disappeared when she was 9/10 years old. Her mom and her moved in at the ranch. That was when her uncle gave her a horse, Starburst. She graduated high school and went to college. She bloomed into a swan in college.

Her mom was driving home from a dinner one night and the car crashed. Mom was paralyzed. She dropped out of college to take care of her mom.

Character Interview

Q: How old are you and what's your sign?

Lindsay: 31, I'm a Capricorn and I check my sign daily.

Q: Where do you live and what kind of vehicle do you drive?

Lindsay: I live on the family ranch with my mom in the trailer house. The original ranch house burnt down several years ago. They replaced it with a double wide until they rebuilt the house. It hasn't happened, yet. I drive a very old car. 

Q: What's your most prized possession? 

Lindsay: I won a medal in college for a fitness competition. It proved to me that I could do something for myself.

Q: Do you have any pets?

Lindsay: I have my old horse, Starburst, a small herd of cows, and a few chickens.

Q: If you had a half a day off, what would you do for fun?

Lindsay: I would drive into San Antonio to a salon. I'd get a blow out and a manicure.

Q: What's your favorite food and drink? 

Lindsay: A large plate of hot and fresh French Fries with a cranberry/vodka.

Q: What's your education, your current job, and your dream job?

Lindsay: I attended through sophomore year in college with dreams of being a doctor. It just didn't happen when my mom got hurt. It was more important to be at home to help her. I'm a waitress. It's alright. I'm not ever sure what my dream job is. I feel like I'm living day to day at the moment.

Q: What's your family like?

Lindsay: Currently, it's just my mom, Candy, and me. I used to have my Uncle Clarence, Aunt Ida, and cousin Larry, but they have all died.

Q: Do you have a secret that no one else knows?

Lindsay: I'm secretly glad I didn't go to medical school.

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