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Sunday, August 25, 2024

The End of Summer


Summer has flown by, again. Our local county fair was this past weekend. It marks the end of summer. The kids will be back in school next week and the Minnesota State Fair will be going.

We live in an area of the state with lots of small counties. We can drive 30 minutes in any direction and hit a county fair. But our county has the best one. Even before we lived here,we came to this fair as they had a bull ride that Hubby competed in. 

We took the little Bocks this year. Their eyes lit up at all the animals. There were the usual 4-H and FFA projects, an exotic animal petting zoo, and a dinosaur skeleton. The camel and zebras we're a huge hit at the petting zoo. The dinosaur skeleton was pretty cool. LB1 stood on the fence staring at it. LB1 pretended to take pictures of it. 

Then there was the food and all the lights from the rides. LB1 was memorized with it all. The words “cool” and “awesome” we're thrown around. It's refreshing to take in something through the eyes of a child.

But as with anything, the fair ended. And so is the summer. Our nights are getting cooler and longer. Our days not so warm. Pretty soon it will be fall and on to something new.

Do you go to fairs? What is your favorite part? Or what was your favorite part of the summer?

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