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Monday, September 16, 2024

Food truck with family


Dear Reader,

How has your week been?

It has been busy here with work and two small children. Thankfully, it was my weekend off. I share emergency call with another veterinarian and this past week was hers. We took advantage of the free time and nice weather by loading the kids and Tank into the car for a road trip. We went to visit my family in southeastern Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is a beautiful state, especially in the fall. The trees were just starting to change to the vibrant oranges and reds. Some of the corn fields had turned golden and the lakes teemed with waterfowl. I haven’t lived in Wisconsin for many years but each time I go “home” I miss the beauty that it has to offer. Maybe even winter. At least, the winters I grew up with had a lot of snow but weren’t the bitter cold with the nasty wind chills that are characteristic of Minnesota winters.

On Sunday, we met my family at the local park on the shore of Lake Michigan for a food truck festival. It was fun. There were a variety of food trucks, a craft fair, face painting, crafts for the kids, and Little Bock 1’s favorite, a bounce house. We strolled through the almost 40 food trucks, trying a little bit from each one until we were full. Deep fried cheese curds, ice cream, mini donuts, crepes, gyros, egg rolls, mac ‘n cheese, etc. My favorite is the ice cream and gyros. It was like a county fair without the rides and animals. What is your favorite food truck food?

We had a nice time visiting my family and the littles got to play with their cousins. Then, we made the road trip back with two very exhausted little people.

On the work front, I’ve had a full schedule of appointments all week. Nothing super crazy. My passion in equine veterinary medicine is sports medicine. I like working on lame horses or horses that just are “right”. I enjoy the challenge of finding out where they are hurting and helping them heal. It is rewarding to get videos and messages from clients of their horses doing well whether that is riding a dressage test, jumping, running barrels, or walking down the trail. My week last week was filled with those kinds of cases. I see them every day, but if it something you are curious about let me know and I can write about working on performance horses.

And finally a writing update. Next week, I am going to have a cover reveal and blurb of the next story we will be reading here. It is the story of how Judy and Tim Kisment came together. They are the parents to Kaleb, Kurt, Kade, and Katie. I am slowly drafting Cassandra’s story. For some reason, it is taking longer to come together than I expected. But it is coming along.

On my Substack, I included some good reads. Head over there to check them out.

That’s all for now. Hugs,


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