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Monday, March 25, 2019

Tank's Thoughts

Is anyone going to camp in April? As in Camp Nanowrimo?

I am and I am super excited about it. I am working on my WIP which I hope to be a contemporary romance, even a romcom (if I am creative enough). What I really like about Camp is that you can set your own goals. Mine is to write 2 pages a night! It tends to be more laid back than regular Nanowrimo.

My bro and I started our own cabin called Friends Cross Country. You are more than welcome to join us. Just message the @History_king to get invited! The cabin is for people looking for a fun supportive group. No worries about what your goals or genre, we just have lots of support and discussion.

Have I convinced you to give it a try? If you are interested check it out HERE!


Getting Ready for Christmas

 Hi Dear Reader, How are you doing? How has December been treating you? Here at the Bock household, we have been getting ready for Christmas...