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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

What am I reading Wednesday!

Hi guys, 

How are you doing? It is cold and snowy here in Minnesota, which makes it perfect reading weather. 

I haven't done a lot of reading this month. I've been listening to podcasts on writing, author interviews, and romance books. Tank and I are reading BJ Daniels' novel, Wild Horses

Book Blurb from Goodreads:

It took only one impusive moment on an empty two-lane highway to cost her everything.

A man's responsible for his own prosperity—especially if he's Cooper Burnett, the most determined cowboy in the West. No one knows what he sacrificed to claim a piece of Beartooth, Montana, for himself and his beautiful fiancĂ©e, Livie. No one knows what he's willing to do for love…until a stranger's twisted vendetta threatens the happy ending they should've had long ago.

One fateful mistake isn't the only secret Livie Hamilton is keeping from her fiancĂ©. Victimized during a treacherous blizzard by a man she thought she could trust, she's pregnant…but unsure who the father is. With an unknown blackmailer threatening to expose her, she must confess to Cooper and trust he'll still protect her. But when the truth falls into place, she may lose the only man she's ever loved—or worse.

What are you reading?

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