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Friday, November 6, 2020

November Newsletter

Allie Bock Writes November Newsletter

Hi readers,

Thank you to everyone that responded to the last newsletter with their favorite authors. For the winner of the drawing check your email today!

I definitely have new ones to read. I have far too many favorite authors to just pick one. I love reading Linda Lael Miller, Nora Roberts, Kate Morton, Phyllis A Whitney, and Mary Stewart. They are my go-to if I am stuck. This past week, I took myself on a book date to the used bookstore in town and picked up a BJ Daniels western romantic suspense. This is my first read of hers and so far I'm loving it.

Writing Updates:

I am doing NaNoWriMo this month, which stands for National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words by the end of the month. This is my third time trying it and I have yet to complete 50,000 words. Maybe this year. The story I am writing is Lindsay's story. She needs to choose between selling her family ranch or getting married. I haven't worked out all the details yet.

I do have a cover reveal for you. This is Second Chance with My Bull Rider. It will be coming out this month, but I don't have an exact date. Life gets in the way sometimes. I will of course let you know when it is out. What do you think of the cover?

Ranch Life Updates:

Here in Minnesota, it has gotten cold expectantly, like snow and freezing rain. Our cows are still out on summer pasture as their winter pen isn't quite ready. Then, the snow hit two weekends ago and we have gone into survival mode, chopping ice out of water tanks, feeding hay, and providing wind blocks until we can move them. The good thing is I was able to buy new gloves for the winter. :) They are the kind with the mitten cover that can flip off. Definitely a life saver for handling hoses, opening gates, and taking off halters. Everyone is doing fine, though. They grew winter coats fast and adjusted to the cold weather well. Rita (the cow) even had icicles hanging from her ears the other morning, but I forgot my phone to take pictures of it.

Other than, I hope you are well and staying warm! Until next time,



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