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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Happy New Year!

Happy New Years!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. Hubby and I spent the holidays in our home. We made a lot of food, watched movies, and hung out. It was a relaxing and quiet holiday. I only had a couple of emergencies to go on, but everything ended up O.K.

I wanted to thank you for riding along with me on my first year of being an author. It has been a crazy year. I published 2 full length novels and 1 novella. I couldn't imagine in a million years that I have published 3 stories! I appreciate all the comments and support.

What device/app do you read e-books on?

I have an old Kindle Fire that I read my books on. It is one of the first Fires that Amazon made and it just keeps on trucking. When it dies, I would love to try the new Nook. It looks really cool.

What is coming this year?

I am currently working on Lindsay and Kurt's story. It's a enemies to lovers story. So far, I am loving writing Lindsay's quirkiness. Then, I will work on Kaleb's story. I don't want to give too much away as his love interest hasn't moved to Sunnydale, yet. I hope to get both done this year, but we'll see how life goes. I do have a Christmas story started. It's about Ma and Pa Kisment's relationship. It is about halfway done and so far I think it is cute.

Did you make any New Year's resolutions?

Besides the usual eat better and exercise more, I am going to try to write every day, at least 500 words. So far, it has been going good as I started my resolutions in December. I also started a bullet journal to keep track of my writing and other life stuff. I reward myself with little stickers for each accomplishment. It's amazing how motivating those little stickers are. Do you have any tricks to keep yourself on track?

Well, that is all for today. Happy New Year's and take care.


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