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Friday, November 4, 2022

What are your favorite genres to read?


Hi Dear Reader!

How was your Halloween?

Our Halloween was wonderful. The weather was perfect. It was warm for Minnesota and no breeze. Baby Bock and I sat at the end of our drive and handed out candy. We had a record number of kids this year. We had 22 trick or treaters. Not a lot, but our neighborhood doesn’t get a lot of trick or treaters. Baby Bock didn’t dress up as she is only one year old and it is a challenge to get her to wear sleeves and shoes on a good day. LOL. So she just wore a cute shirt with the word “Daddy’s under my spell”. Did you hand out candy?

For a writing update, My Cowboy of Conveinence is at the editor’s getting worked over. It’s a waiting game until I can get it back to polish it up for release. I am working on a short story on how Ma and Pa Kisment fell in love. It is halfway done, and I can’t wait to share it with you. Most likely, it will be done in time of Christmas!

The question of the newsletter is: What genres do you love to read? What do you reach for when you need to escape? Do you have a favorite book?

I tend to across genres. Of course, I read a lot of romance and romcom. When I need a break from romance, I usually reach for historical fantasy. The Night Circus is one of my favorite books of all time. I also like to read a lot of mysteries. It doesn’t matter if it is a cozy or hardboiled. I’m currently reading a cozy mystery by Laurien Berenson. My mom gave it to me because she likes reading her. The book is Watchdog, a Melanie Travis Canine Mystery. I’m reading it out loud to Baby Bock. We are only 25% in, but enjoying it so far.

I am excited to hear what your favorite genres are!



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