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Monday, June 12, 2023

June Update: It's my 3rd year being an author!


Hi Dear Reader,

How are you doing? I hope your June is going great. I can’t believe that it is already the 12th.

My Big News!

June marks my third year anniversary of being an author. I am going to be doing a drawing to give away 2 signed paperbacks of Falling for my Cowboy. To enter the drawing, answer the following question:

What has been your favorite book to read so far this year?

You can email me at 

The drawing is open until June 26th. Good luck!

Life News

The other weekend, the Minnesota Cutting Horse Association held their show at our county fairgrounds. Hubby and I took Baby Bock. It was a lot of fun. She enjoyed the horses, cows, and tractors.

At the event, a herd of young, about a year old, cattle were brought into a small arena. One at a time, the competitor would ride the horse in the arena. The rider would pick out the cow that might be the best match for the horses. Then, the team would “cut” or move the cow away from the herd. Now, cows are herd animals and always want to be with the rest of its friends. This is when the exciting part would start. The cow would duck and dive to try to get passed the horse. The horse would match the cows moves. The horse leaped forward, slid to a stop, spin around on its hindquarters, and stare down the cow. The competitor would sit against the back of the saddle, letting the horse work. They were done if the buzzer sounded, if the cow got around the horse to the herd, or if the cow stopped. It was fun to watch the riders that were in tuned with their horses. I might have to one of my characters be into showing horses. 😉

Writing update:

I am almost done with My Cowboy of Convenience. I have a few more edits and then to run it through a grammar checker. It has been so fun to share the journey with you and I appreciate all the feedback. Don’t worry. I’ll still keep posting chapters on my Substack.

That's all I have for today.


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