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Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Is too much coffee a bad thing?

This past week has been a whirlwind of vet work, rainy fall days, and tramping through leaves. There has just been an underlying anxious feel in the air. I'm not sure if it the rushed feeling of trying to get everything done before winter or just my over-caffenated self buzzing.

Besides my regular sports medicine cases, my regular clients have been in prepping for winter. So fall checkups and teeth floating. Fall checkups are physical exams to make sure the horses are healthy going into winter. I discuss the horse's weight, feeding schedules, deworming, and possible bloodwork. The teeth floating is a dentistry procedure to make sure their teeth are healthy and they can chew properly. The horse is sedated and a dental speculum is place between the front teeth to gently hold the mouth open. Their teeth are always erupting (growing). They can develop sharp points that interfere with chewing and bridling. I have a power float that removes the sharp points painlessly. It is fun, but I'm tired at the end of the day. 

I joined a writing challenge to finish my WIP. It isn't going well. I have written but not nearly as much as I want. Mainly because I'm tired from working. Then, I drink too much coffee. Hence, over-caffenated.

What has your week like?

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